Bittercube Bolivar Bitters, 5 oz
Please note: This is a 5 oz bottle with dasher top.
From the Bittercube website:
Versatile and aromatic, with floral notes of chamomile and jasmine, plus cinnamon and dried fruits on the finish. Bolivar is an homage to an old recipe found in a 19th century cocktail book. These bitters add complexity and depth to any cocktail. No pre-made extracts or flavors are used in our slow-crafted products.
Select Ingredients: Chamomile, jasmine, cassia & ceylon cinnamon, prune, raisin, clove, gentian, orange peel
Application: Champagne, French 75, Banana Bread
Ingredient Fact: A handful of dried chamomile flowers are used in every 5 oz bottle of bolivar bitters
The Crafty Bartender stocks the full line of Bittercube's slow crafted midwest bitters.
Cocktail bitters in Canada!